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jeudi 26 mai 2016


(I use google translator, I apologize for the imperfections)

by Chip Brogden

"Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that ye should follow His steps. "(1 Peter 2:21)
If asked to Christians, "Have you accepted the work of the Cross? "Surely many would answer in the affirmative. If you asked them, "What do the work of the Cross? "They would reply that it is the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus for the sins of the world.
While this is indeed true, this can be misleading. A more appropriate question would be, "Have you accepted the two facets of the work of the Cross? ". Try to ask this question a few Christians and you will see them remain perplexed and say something like "What are the two facets of the work of the Cross? ". The reason is that most people know only one side of the Cross, not both.
For many years, it is taught that one aspect of the Cross - that of the cross on which Jesus died for me. That's all I knew and so that's what I was teaching. He was crucified on the cross for me. He gave His life for me. His precious blood was shed for the forgiveness of my sins. And not only that, but the Bible says that God put on Jesus the iniquity of us all. John the Baptist called "the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. "
In us identifying with His sacrifice, He becomes our substitute. We are for the benefit of His work is completed. We are made one with Him on the Cross. Thank you Lord; we do not have to pay our debt because it was paid for us. We do not have to go to the cross and be crucified for our sins.
I do not think me too forward in saying that the vast majority of Christians are familiar with this aspect of the Cross. It is the foundation of evangelical base of millions of sermons to millions of believers. This is the truth, and we praise God for all the times when the truth is proclaimed.
There is another aspect of the Cross, another dimension of the same truth, which is not so well known and about which little is preached. This is why millions of believers are content to accept the "Sinner's Cross"; that is to say, they have confessed Jesus as their Savior and they have accepted as their substitute. It is quite sure that Jesus is our substitute and that He died on the Cross for us. But as we have already said, there are two facets to the work of the Cross.
Peter alludes to this double work of the Cross when he writes, "Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, that ye should follow His steps. "Christ suffered FOR us; this is the first aspect. But HE has left us an EXAMPLE, that we should follow His steps.
Thus the work of the cross has two aspects. First, Jesus is our substitute. Second, He is our example. In the first case, He carried the Cross. In the second case, I took the Cross. The first work of the Cross is for the sinner; the second work of the Cross is for the Disciple.
Jesus said that the path that leads to life through a narrow door and a Narrow path. La Porte is only the beginning of the trip; it is not the destination. So we need to have both the Gate and the Way. One is incomplete without the other. Once we passed through the gate, there is a path that we can follow. Skip Gate allows us to walk the path, but the door is incomplete without the Way. Life is at the end of the path, not at first.
This corresponds to two aspects of the Cross. The "Sinner's Cross" is the Door. This is because Jesus is the substitute that I can now walk along the path. The "Disciple's Cross" is the Way. Now I can follow his example. Can you see the difference?
Jesus said that the path that leads to life passes through a Narrow Gate and Narrow Path. The Narrow Door is Christ. It is narrow because He is the Only Way. But why is the Path so difficult? Partly because it is easier to accept Jesus as a Substitute than to accept Him as Example. Expressed differently, it is much easier to accept Jesus as Savior than to accept Him as Lord. I recognize Him as my Savior and substitute with a simple prayer. But to my Example and my Lord, indeed walk on his footsteps, is not so attractive.
Why? In the first case I simply accept the "Sinner's Cross" and everything is done for me. But in the second case I have to take the "Disciple's Cross" and actually follow in the footsteps of the Master. It only takes a moment to the door, but walking along the Path takes a lifetime.
Although Peter wrote about this dual aspect of the Cross, Matthew 16 shows that his understanding of the subject has not always been very good. In Matthew 16 we see Jesus as our substitute and example in one chapter. First we see there Jesus as our Substitute. It begins to show His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things, be killed, and rise on the third day. For his sins? No, for our sins. It is therefore our Substitute.
Pierre, who is offended, took Jesus aside and began to rebuke him. Imagine! Pierre is taking back the Lord Jesus on the Cross. Clearly this is something difficult to understand. But Jesus turned to Peter and repels. Well, it will be so. I will go to Jerusalem and die for the sins of the world. I need to complete my work of substitution.
But the two aspects of the Cross go beyond physical death of Jesus. And Jesus immediately begins to talk to them, not SA Cross, but about THEIR Cross: "Then Jesus said to His disciples, If anyone would come after Me, let him deny himself, he charge his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it, but whoever loses for My sake will find it "(Matthew 16: 24,25).
Pierre spoke out against the death of the Lord Jesus and tried to prevent His crucifixion. The Lord Jesus said that not only the Master must be crucified, but those who wish to follow must also necessarily carry their cross.
Pierre finally learned this lesson, and it is time that we also learn. Jesus is both my Substitute and my Example. Jesus is both my Savior and Lord. Jesus is both the Narrow Door and Narrow the Way.
If we have any doubt about the reasons for a lack of power, lack of pleasure, lack of loyalty, lack of "Spirit-and-Truth" today we n 'have to look real attitude vis-à-vis the Cross person. Is it something for Cross WHICH Jesus saved or FOR thing that Jesus saved her? The presence or absence of fruits can tell us a lot. Because there will never be, and may never be, fruits in abundance without acceptance of both aspects of the Cross.
Someone will ask the obvious question: can Jesus be Savior without the Lord? Can I accept salvation without accepting discipleship? Can I enter through the door but did not continue on the Way? And what is underlying this is really this: do I make the sinner's prayer, live as I please, and still go to heaven when I die?
The question itself is quite revealing from that installation. Considering that it takes two beams to cross, we can say that a beam is not enough. If we accept that some aspects of the Cross, then we have not really accepted the Cross. If we continue to preach an easy Gospel and bring the fishermen to Jesus easier by having them pray an easy prayer, then we are guilty of propagating another gospel, a false gospel, a door without path.
The Rich Young Ruler came to Jesus with the same concern: what must I do to inherit eternal life? His first concern was to go to heaven after death. For many Christians is the ultimate goal and the motivation behind everything they do. In fact, Jesus speaks comparatively little about "going to heaven when we die. "But he has a lot to say about obedience to God's will and made to bear fruit for our life on earth.
The Rich Young Ruler who wanted to be saved, Jesus offered discipleship, not the salvation:
"Jesus looking upon him loved him, and said, You lack one thing; go, sell all you have and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven. And come, follow Me. But sad at that saying, and he went away sorrowful; for he had great possessions. Jesus looked around him, said to his disciples: How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God! "(Mark 10: 21-23).
He did not say "how EASY it is to enter the Kingdom of God", but "how is DIFFICILEe". Both aspects of the Cross is something difficult for rich and poor alike. Many leave sad and distressed at the thought of taking the Cross as a disciple. It is for this reason that only part of the two aspects of the Cross is preached.
I think the Rich Young Ruler would have readily accepted Jesus as his substitute - because it involves subtle way that I will not have to die because Jesus died on the Cross! But like all the suggestions of the opponent, this is only a half truth. The full truth is that the work of the Cross has two aspects, and we have to accept both or neither, but we can not keep one and discard the other.
You must tell you that if we view salvation as including discipleship then few people would be saved. This is exactly the case. And that is precisely what Jesus meant when He said, "Few find it" (Matthew 7: 14b).
So what should we do? Should we continue to provide false comfort to those who do not accept to carry their cross, to give up themselves, and follow Jesus? No way. Instead, let us strive to show by our example that the only way to access the Life is to pass through Death; the only way to rule with Him is to suffer with Him; it is not those who hear, but those who understand and practice that are His true disciples.
The Lord Jesus Himself tells us that these things are true. Amen.

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